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(866) 267-4781
Is NRA Group a scam? They’re legit. NRA Group is a legitimate collection agency that conducts first- and third-party collections, and does outsourcing, credit bureau reporting, Is NRA Group (NRA) calling you? Stop NRA Group phone harassment. Do they threaten to take legal action or garnish your wages? Are they calling you at all hours or several times a day? Are they telling your family and neighbors that you owe a debt? If so what they are doing is illegal and needs to stop. You have the legal right to stop NRA phone harassment. If a collection agency violates the FDCPA, you may be eligible to receive up to $1000.00 in statutory damages, along with covering your attorney fees. Is NRA Group a Scam? According to the Better Business Bureau website, NRA Group has been in business for 43 years. There have been 103 complaints filed against NRA with the BBB. NRA Group Better Business Bureau Who is NRA Group? NRA Group, also known as National Recovery Group, is third party debt collector located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. NRA has been a party to a Federal Court case over 200 times. They have been accused of violating consumer’s rights and illegal and harassing communication tactics to attempt to coerce a payment from the harassed consumer. Address: 2491 Paxton St Harrisburg, PA 17111-1036 Phone: (800) 360-9953
(866) 267-4781
Scammers. I have received a total of 20 to 30 calls from this people, including the last two Sundays. They have been identified by other Caller ID sources as NRA not meaning the National Rifle Association. Another source has classified them as "Very Suspicious Callers". Also, as International Scammers.