Owner's Name
Address: 123 Example Address, New York, NY, 10001
ActiveThe phone number 866-873-5293 might be connected to a debt collection agency that specializes in managing consumer debts, including credit card obligations. This number may be used to contact individuals about their outstanding debts. There have been mentions suggesting that calls from this number could be perceived as harassing, which underscores the importance of understanding debt validation and negotiation processes if contacted. Exercising caution and being aware of one's rights are advised when dealing with calls from this number.
Want to learn more? Check the (866) 873-5293 FAQ
This number has 3 spam reports
This number has a 30% spam score
This number has 6 comments
This number has 155 searches
A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
(866) 873-5293
Verizon intercepted as spam, no VM, internet research noted as a debt collector who was slapped with a class-action lawsuit for violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) — the settlement, worth more than $24 million
(866) 873-5293
Harassment caller
(866) 873-5293
Google states debt collector, has been fined in the past (2020) for deceptive practices, harassment, see https://attorney-newyork.com/cavalry-portfolio-services-llc/ for more info
(866) 873-5293
I received a call and no one left a message.
(866) 873-5293
This number was seen on my phone, but no one left a message.
(866) 873-5293
Call about a “personal business matter.” Call came up as spam risk