About 867 Area Code:
Area code 867 represents the vast, sparsely populated northern Canadian territories, including Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Yukon is the smallest and westernmost of Canada’s three territories and has the highest population density among them. Mining remains the territory’s leading industry, focusing on resources such as lead, zinc, silver, gold, asbestos, and copper. The historical legacy of the gold rush and the early Royal Canadian Mounted Police, along with scenic landscapes and outdoor activities, make tourism the second most significant industry. Manufacturing, including furniture, clothing, and handicrafts, along with hydroelectric power, also plays a notable role. The land area of the Northwest Territories is approximately equivalent to the combined size of France, Portugal, and Spain.
However, its total area is even larger due to the extensive coverage of its numerous lakes. As of 2009, it boasted the highest per capita GDP of all Canadian provinces and territories. The region is rich in geological resources, including gold, diamonds, natural gas, and petroleum. The territory’s diamonds are marketed as an ethical alternative to blood diamonds. Nunavut covers a significant portion of Northern Canada and most of the Arctic Archipelago, making it the fifth-largest country subdivision globally and the second-largest in North America, following Greenland. Nunavut’s economy is supported by various sectors, including the Inuit and Territorial Government, mining, oil and gas, and mineral exploration.
In area code 867, the number of FCC complaints varies by method and year. Wired complaints were highest in 2015, while wireless complaints peaked in 2016. Since then, wired complaints have generally declined each year. In 2023, there has been a small increase in both wireless and VOIP complaints, indicating a shift in how people are reporting issues.
The 867 area code has seen changes in the types of phone call complaints over the years. Complaints about unwanted calls have risen and fallen, with a recent increase to 5 complaints in 2023. Telemarketing issues peaked in 2015 with 8 reports, but have since dropped to none in recent years. Robocall complaints were minimal and have not been reported since 2017, indicating a shift in the nature of complaints from residents in this area.
In the 867 area code, there has been a notable variety in the types of call complaints from 2015 to 2024. The highest number of prerecorded voice complaints occurred in 2016, with a total of 12. Live voice complaints peaked in 2017 at 7 cases. Since 2020, abandoned calls have been reported, showing an increase in that category, and in 2023, text message complaints surged to 4, reflecting the evolving communication issues faced by residents.
The 867 area code has a racial composition where 41.6% of the population is White. Black or African American individuals make up 10.5% of the area's residents. A significant 33.8% of people in this region identify as Asian, while Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders account for 0.8%. Additionally, 13.3% of the population falls under the category of Some Other Race.
Population in the 867 area code reaches 1,844,297, showing a near-equal gender balance with 917,194 males and 927,103 females. The sex ratio of approximately 101.6 males for every 100 females aligns with the national average. At around 42 years, the median age slightly exceeds the national median of 41.1 years, suggesting a mature demographic in the area. Alameda County is the largest contributor to the population, housing 1,663,823 residents, followed by Sutter County with 99,101 and Tehama County with 65,484 residents. This area code encompasses four unique counties, which play a significant role in population distribution. Over time, the population has steadily increased, starting at 1,686,644 in 2012 and reaching the current total. Yearly population growth reflects ongoing demographic shifts and may indicate changing local economies or job opportunities that could attract more residents. Understanding these trends offers greater insight into how the 867 area code is evolving.
Labor force participation in the 867 area code declined from 58.2% in 2012 to 55.7% in 2022, which is below the national average of 58.5%. The employment-to-population ratio saw an increase from 49.8% to a peak of 52.3% in 2021, before falling slightly to 51.6% in 2022. The unemployment rate decreased significantly from 13.98% in 2012 to 6.83% in 2022, which is higher than the national average of 5.19%. This shows ongoing changes in job availability and workforce participation within the area code.
Northwest Territories (NT)
Region 3
Northwest Territories, NT
nuisance caller
Where is located
“Sorry, May we talk?”
No help
calling at random, early morning/late nights. Making threats. Mentioned their name is Juan.
Off to a bad start
I need to know who is this
You my heart
I love you bby
Eu liguei porque havia falhado um número ao enviar o valor e ela disse que ia mandar e até agora não mandou nada desde as 15 horas
i think hospitals