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Address: 123 Example Address, New York, NY, 10001
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A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
(877) 308-4487
Sweepts stake winner with FAmericanSwtk.Com owner James Forbs from Sfunioncre in SanFrancisvo.
(877) 308-4487
I Had won second place in the American Sweeps in the amount of $750.000.00 and all the package was at the Us custom Board letters from American Sweeps and I need to send ,$7,500.00.
(877) 308-4487
Called my work phone while I was away for a month. Left a threatening message saying he was from the Legal Department and that I needed to contact a lawyer because of legal action against me. He recited what he said was the last four of my social security number, but it wasn't even close. He threatened that if I did not call back "things will be very bad for you:.
(877) 308-4487
called company phone, stating he wasy Roy Wilson (very thick accentd) unable to clearly understand him. .. stated he was with the Legal Department something loans....I said that person was not in I would take message left this number explained employees do not receive these type of calls for any collections if other number available please try. Wanted me to repeat message and number, explained I'm receiptionist have other calls bid him a good day.
(877) 308-4487
Some kind of scam. Trying to get me to verify my ss#. very strong Korean accent