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Address: 123 Example Address, New York, NY, 10001
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(877) 488-3557
Direct TV Collection calling with no caller I D they will never get a answer from me from any 877 number because they are Business and I don't use my phone for business calls 877-488-3557
(877) 488-3557
reverse lookup identifies it as dish network
(877) 488-3557
(877) 488-3557
It is Direct TV billing, they use a illegal machine, in many states, that verifies your home, which in Wisconsin an many other states, illegal to use, check with your state or the FTC (federal trade commission) your bill will be marked to zero if you press the issue with them. They zeroed mine even after a lot of denial. They have been in court over this several times in the past so they know about it and they know they will lose in court because they have in all the other cases people brought against them. The FTC will have information if your state has this law, it is usage of an "Unmanned calling machine" Most of the time it is used by telemarketers but Direct TV uses it to make sure your home. in any case it's use is illegal in most of the states. I know this because I have had Direct TV and many other companies eliminate any bill I owed because they used this machine. They think that if they are not a telemarketer it doesn't pertain to them, but the law is written so it covers everyone not just telemarketer. To date from the time I discovered this law in Wisconsin and many other states, I have saved over $9,000.00 in bills and payments because the companies thought they could use these illegal machines to make contact with their customers. Don't believe me? Check for yourself with the FTC.
(877) 488-3557
Direct tv
(877) 488-3557
(877) 488-3557
Legit caller it is DirectTV
(877) 488-3557
Directv when your bill is late
(877) 488-3557
(877) 488-3557