Owner's Name
Address: 123 Example Address, New York, NY, 10001
ActiveThe phone number 888-483-7200 is potentially associated with addressing issues related to account security and fraud claims, possibly for services like Verizon, Verizon Wireless, or Fios. This number might be used for reporting incidents such as fraud, identity theft, SIM swapping, or account takeovers. Users may want to contact this number if they suspect unauthorized activities on their accounts. It is also advisable to remain vigilant when receiving calls or messages from this number to help maintain account security and prevent potential fraudulent actions.
Want to learn more? Check the (888) 483-7200 FAQ
This number has 5 spam reports
This number has a 50% spam score
This number has 5 comments
This number has 163 searches
A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
(888) 483-7200
Call from many #'s
(888) 483-7200
This number shows up as the caller, on a second call, minutes after I receive a call from a blocked number. No msg. Has happened several times now. Lots of online complaints about this number.
(888) 483-7200
Called me by two different names, none of them mine. Told him if you’re going to try to scam me, get the name right. Quick hang up from him.
(888) 483-7200
(888) 483-7200
they claim that "somebody is trying to open an account in your name", and they want SS # to verify. I called Verizon Customer service, and they said that it's a scam