Learn more about this area code and exchange and where the caller may be located.
The phone exchange is the three digits after the area code and before the extension. An example is (903) 201-XXXX where 201 is the exchange number. It enables telephone line extensions to be interconnected in a local area based on a specific geographic assignment.
The (903) 201 exchange is located within the 903 area code in Sherman-Denison, TX. It connects landline numbers from the Onvoy carrier in Fannin, Hunt county. Associated zip codes include 75452.
Potentially, callers could keep their phone numbers even if they move away, so a caller may be located in Sherman-Denison, TX or elsewhere. You can use a reverse phone lookup to help find the registered address for a potential caller.
(903) 201-4332
(903) 201-4332
Looking to see if I was related to a person they were actively looking for
(903) 201-8484
Said they had papers to deliver then started calling relatives. Leonard, Texas, is the caller ID and that’s in the middle of nowhere.
(903) 201-4332
Trying to get in touch with (name) about a job. Please call me at (903) 201 3449. Thx
(903) 201-4332
I'm trying to speak with (my name) about a position. If this is you call me at (903) 201 8074.
(903) 201-8484
They were "Mom Facts" gave facts about moms. Said my phone would be charge 3.99 a day and would tell me who the caller was at the end but didn't.
(903) 201-8484
I have received multiple calls from this caller; however, every time I have picked up, there was silence.
(903) 201-4332
Call to say I had extra Medicare benefits! I already have all my benefits in place!
(903) 201-4332
Call to say I had extra Medicare benefits! I already have all my benefits in place!
(903) 201-8484
Calls repeatedly with false claims
(903) 201-4332
Your Case Has SetteIed: Your Check ls Ready! Reply "Case" To This Message To Grab Your Check!
(903) 201-4332
They kept hanging up after I asked who they were and what the call was about. I tried 3 times. One said they do not ha e a do not call list the last one said they would put me on it
(903) 201-8484
Left an aggressive vm stating that he had got my order that I had placed with his office. (I’ve not placed any orders)And that I was now notified. Notified about what I have no idea. SPAM. Called me back to back four times.
(903) 201-8484
Saying they have paper for me and calling friends and family members
(903) 201-8484
They had a claims come across there desk for me