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About 913 Area Code:
It may be true that there’s no place like home but, according to many experts, few places are better than this part of the country. Overland Park, one of the cities in this area code, has consistently been named one of the best U.S. cities to live in. Not only are incomes higher in Overland Park than the rest of the country, but the cost of living is also lower. As it happens, area code 913 is situated in eastern Kansas. Besides Overland Park, other major cities include Kansas City, Olathe, and Shawnee.
It’s also home to the first Walt Disney animation studio, the birthplace of Hallmark, and each March, it hosts more college basketball games than anywhere else in the country. In terms of economic highlights, the Kansas City metro area ranks as the third-largest beef-processing city in the U.S., following Chicago and Cincinnati. It also boasts the second-largest rail network in the country. The region is home to numerous factories and manufacturing plants, as well as an official international trade zone that includes the most foreign trade zone space nationwide. For its part, Shawnee features high-tech manufacturing plants owned by both Fortune 500 companies and international corporations. Its population continues to grow as more residents are drawn to the expanding housing options available for those who want to live near the OKC metro area while enjoying the charm of a smaller community.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
9:35:36 PM | Thu, March, 13, 2025 | UTC/GMT-5 |
(913) 563-5503
Total searches: 1241
(913) 312-5184
Total searches: 919
(913) 312-5183
Total searches: 735
(913) 563-5510
Total searches: 716
(913) 563-5513
Total searches: 702
(913) 946-4269
Total searches: 628
(913) 735-8087
Total searches: 607
(913) 297-2853
Total searches: 597
(913) 705-4053
Total searches: 569
(913) 674-4822
Total searches: 537
(913) 563-5523
Total searches: 532
(913) 538-0070
Total searches: 529
(913) 563-5506
Total searches: 502
(913) 850-6767
Total searches: 501
(913) 588-0000
Total searches: 431
ZIP Codes:
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In area code 913, complaints to the FCC have changed over time based on the method of call. Wireless and mobile complaints were highest in 2015 but have mostly declined since then. Wired complaints have also dropped significantly during these years. VOIP complaints have varied, with noticeable increases in 2019 and 2021, before becoming more stable in the years since.
Complaints about unwanted calls and telemarketing in the 913 area code have fluctuated over the years. In 2014, there were very few telemarketing complaints, but by 2015, that number dramatically increased to 291. Unwanted calls reached their highest point in 2018, with 470 complaints, but have declined in the following years. Meanwhile, robocalls were a concern in the early years but are no longer reported starting from 2019.
Complaints to the FCC in area code 913 have shown various trends from 2014 to 2024 across different types of calls. The number of prerecorded voice complaints peaked in 2015 at 293 but has generally declined since then. Live voice complaints have fluctuated significantly, with a notable increase in 2021 before tapering off in recent years. Abandoned calls were mainly recorded in earlier years, while the frequency of text message complaints has risen since 2021, indicating a growing concern among residents.
The 913 area code has a majority population of White, making up about 84.2% of the demographic. Black or African Americans constitute approximately 7.4%, while Asian individuals represent around 4.7%. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders account for a very small percentage at 0.06%. Lastly, those identifying as Some Other Race make up about 3.6% of the population in this area code.
The 913 area code shows a steady increase in median household income over the years, starting at $62,335 in 2012 and reaching $86,160 by 2022. During this time, the national median income also rose but at a slower rate, beginning at $47,301 and climbing to $66,930. The gap between the area code's income and the national average has widened, indicating a stronger economic growth in the 913 area. Key years such as 2021 and 2022 reflect significant increases, with the income in 2022 surpassing the national average by a notable amount.
The 913 area code encompasses a population of 1,131,847, showing a nearly equal split between genders. With 566,503 males and 565,344 females, the area has a sex ratio of about 102 males for every 100 females. The median age of residents is approximately 39.6 years, which is slightly younger compared to the national median age of 41.1 years. Johnson County stands out as the most populous county in this area, hosting 610,742 individuals. Following closely are Wyandotte County, with 167,989 residents, and Douglas County, home to 119,094 people. The presence of 13 unique counties contributes to a rich variety of communities within the 913 area code. Population growth has been consistent over the years, signaling a stable and vibrant region that appeals to both younger and older populations. This demographic mix highlights the area's ability to attract and maintain a diverse range of residents. Understanding these statistics aids in appreciating the cultural and social dynamics present in the 913 area code.
In the 913 area code, the labor force participation rate decreased from 65.7% in 2012 to 63.0% in 2022. Employment to population ratios have stayed stable, showing a slight increase in recent years. The unemployment rate fell steadily, achieving a low of 3.54% in 2022. These local figures surpass national averages for labor force participation and indicate a lower unemployment rate, reflecting a healthier employment situation in the area.
Kansas (KS)
Kansas City
Wyandotte, Johnson, Cherokee
Kansas City, MO
Security code
he said he is a Kansas Councilor and ask me my identity.
Did not say anything
Voices in background and sound of phone being picked up then said "I'm trying to locate Steven" I said never heard of him and ***g up
Spammer just asked for my name
They gave no unfo, just to call an 800 number they gave.
Please call back
said they were booking my new reservation due to me not responding to the old one
This number continuously calls throughout the day and when I do answer no one says anything on the other line
They told me that I should pay a surgery that I had and they repeated my address, they were asking me if I was going to pay, when I told them that I was not going to give my card information they just ended the call with "Well we wish you the best of luck sir"
i just contacted this number about a house for rent In Kansas City, MO., and all this person will tell me is that he's a retired veteran. will not give me info that I'm asking for. BEWARE!
No one answered when I picked up