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About 915 Area Code:
It’s been called the All American City and one of the safest American cities. This area code primarily serves El Paso and neighboring localities. Major cities in the region include El Paso, Homestead Meadows South, Socorro, San Elizario, Fort Bliss, Fabens, Canutillo, and Anthony. . The El Paso area code features a diverse economy. It is home to Western Refining, a Fortune 500 company specializing in crude oil refining, which is the only Fortune 500 company headquartered in the city. More than 70 other companies have offices in El Paso, including publicly traded firms like Helen of Troy Limited, a manufacturer of healthcare products, and El Paso Electric. The military industry also plays a significant role in the area.
Fort Bliss, the largest U.S. Army training area, along with William Beaumont Army Medical Center and Biggs Army Airfield, contribute to a robust defense sector, employing over 41,000 people in El Paso. Recently, the city has become a hub for call centers, which now provide employment for over 10,000 residents. The 915 area code serves a population of 868,859. This area is home to a business-friendly environment along the Texas-Mexico border. The region enjoys steady economic growth and ranks in the top 20% of performing U.S. economies. The bilingual and bi-cultural workforce promotes economic development, fostering strong manufacturing and international trade sectors. This diverse demographic impacts communication trends, with a significant demand for reliable telecom services to support both business and personal communication needs.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
6:30:03 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-6 |
(915) 209-1926
Total searches: 964
(915) 200-0852
Total searches: 893
(915) 221-9145
Total searches: 666
(915) 333-8663
Total searches: 553
(915) 975-2837
Total searches: 541
(915) 208-4723
Total searches: 482
(915) 642-7148
Total searches: 448
(915) 808-3980
Total searches: 399
(915) 613-1830
Total searches: 340
(915) 621-1281
Total searches: 320
(915) 400-4399
Total searches: 213
(915) 293-8151
Total searches: 186
(915) 233-0110
Total searches: 152
(915) 747-4000
Total searches: 146
(915) 857-4444
Total searches: 144
ZIP Codes:
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In the 915 area code, complaints to the FCC have been tracked from 2014 to 2024 using three main methods: Wireless/Mobile, Wired, and VOIP. Wireless complaints peaked in 2018 but have generally declined in the following years. Wired complaints saw a significant drop starting in 2020. VOIP complaints varied, with a rise in 2021 before decreasing in later years.
In the 915 area code, complaints regarding unwanted calls have shown a noticeable upward trend from 2014 to 2023. Initially, there were no reports of unwanted calls, but by 2021, the number had grown to 220. Telemarketing complaints were most common in 2015, reaching a peak of 116, but have not been reported since then. Robocalls were only an issue in 2015 and 2016, with no complaints occurring after that year.
Complaints in area code 915 regarding different types of calls have shown significant changes from 2014 to 2024. There was a notable increase in complaints about pre-recorded voice calls until they peaked in 2018, after which the numbers began to decline. Complaints about live voice calls fluctuated, hitting their highest point in 2021. Additionally, reports of abandoned calls rose notably in 2020 and 2021, while text message complaints increased until 2022, followed by a slight decrease in recent years.
The 915 area code has a significant majority of residents identifying as White, accounting for approximately 71.4% of the population. Black or African American individuals make up about 4.6%, while Asians represent around 1.8% of the demographic. A smaller fraction of the population is made up of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders at 0.2% and individuals identifying as Some Other Race at roughly 21.9%. This distribution shows a diverse community, though the White population clearly dominates in numbers.
The median household income for the 915 area code has shown a steady increase from 2012 to 2022, starting at approximately $31,648 and reaching about $53,555 by 2022. Throughout this period, the income remains below the national median, which grew from around $47,301 in 2012 to $66,930 in 2022. While there has been substantial growth in local income over the years, it still lags behind the national average. The gap between the area code's income and the national median has narrowed slightly, but the 915 area code continues to see lower earnings compared to the rest of the country.
Area code 915’s total population stands at 869,342, with a nearly equal gender distribution consisting of 433,194 males and 436,148 females. The sex ratio is notably higher than the national average, with 138.33 males for every 100 females. Residents have a median age of 37.47 years, which is younger than the national median of 41.1 years. El Paso County dominates this area, with a significant population of 863,832, while Hudspeth County and Culberson County contribute smaller numbers at 3,329 and 2,181 residents, respectively. Over the past decade, the population has steadily grown from 806,908 in 2012, pointing to an upward trend. Three counties make up the area code, signifying a concentrated demographic focus. This area's population demographics differ from national averages, showcasing unique characteristics such as a younger median age and a higher sex ratio compared to the rest of the United States. Overall, area code 915 displays vibrant community dynamics, reflecting both growth and youthfulness.
Fluctuations in workforce statistics for the 915 area code show significant changes from 2012 to 2022. The labor force participation rate, starting at 60.4% in 2012, experienced a drop to 47.4% by 2021, before rebounding slightly in 2022. Employment to population ratios also followed a downward trend, hitting a low of 42.3% in 2021 but increasing to 46.4% the following year. Unemployment rates varied throughout the years, peaking at 9.7% in 2013 and consistently falling between 6% and 9% for most of the analyzed period, contrasting notably with the national average, which has remained lower than the area code's rates.
Texas (TX)
El Paso
El Paso
El Paso, TX
Cartel member and that they were coming to my family house for unpaid fines owed to them.
Loan from S***dy Cash
**** my family for his ******s
Wants money
Threatening messages
I'm very scared that person has kidnapped my daughter asking for money for her release
At first I thought it was a scam but not that person and his men kidnapped my son and I had to pay a large amount of money for his release
He said he was a loan officer at cash advance America. Wanted me to verify my account by him sending me money then I send it back or have him take my account login for my bank. Has to be a scam.
I didn’t answer
Sending threatening messages
Spam call. Sending threatening messages
Text not a voice call
That I’m eligible for a $5000 loan