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About 917 Area Code:
There are area codes. Then there are area codes. This is one of the latter. The 917 area code serves all five boroughs of New York City: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.
This extensive coverage includes major cities and neighborhoods within each borough, supporting a region with a population of about 8.8 million people. Area code 917 encompasses a melting pot of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. Residents span varying income levels and ethnicities, creating a vibrant community. Approximately 16,900 families fall within the $200,000+ income range, representing the region’s wealth diversity. Racial demographics prominently feature White/Caucasian (41.4%), Hispanic or Latino (28.8%), and Black/African American (19.3%) populations.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
7:22:43 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
(917) 540-7996
Total searches: 12736
(917) 590-4033
Total searches: 1350
(917) 398-9683
Total searches: 1326
(917) 746-2193
Total searches: 1182
(917) 242-3084
Total searches: 1122
(917) 725-5626
Total searches: 975
(917) 633-8867
Total searches: 949
(917) 200-3644
Total searches: 921
(917) 672-9704
Total searches: 900
(917) 725-7218
Total searches: 890
(917) 998-9017
Total searches: 878
(917) 615-5307
Total searches: 854
(917) 398-5568
Total searches: 842
(917) 266-9743
Total searches: 840
(917) 730-3227
Total searches: 807
New York
ZIP Codes:
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In area code 917, the methods for filing FCC complaints have changed significantly from 2014 to 2024. Wireless and mobile complaints peaked in 2017 but have been decreasing since then. VOIP complaints reached their highest point in 2020. On the other hand, wired complaints have remained consistently low, suggesting a growing preference for digital ways to report issues.
In the 917 area code, there have been changes in the number of complaints about different types of unwanted calls over the years. Telemarketing complaints peaked at 364 in 2015 but have dropped to zero recently. Meanwhile, robocalls, which were a concern in earlier years, have not been reported at all since 2017. Overall, this trend shows a decline in complaints about unwanted calls, suggesting a better experience for residents in the 917 area code.
Complaints reported to the FCC in the 917 area code reflect various trends from 2014 to 2024. The number of complaints about prerecorded voice calls peaked in 2018 with 558 cases. Live voice call complaints reached their highest level in 2017 but have generally declined since. Meanwhile, abandoned call complaints have decreased to zero in recent years, while text message complaints spiked in 2020, indicating changing consumer concerns regarding communication methods.
Racial demographics in the 917 area code show that 45% of the population identifies as White. Black or African American individuals make up nearly 24% of the residents. Asian representation is at around 15%, while Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders account for a very small fraction of the population at 0.06%. Approximately 16% of the population identifies as Some Other Race, indicating diversity in ethnic backgrounds.
The total population covered by the 917 area code is 10,011,627, with a slightly higher number of females than males. There are 5,179,248 females compared to 4,832,379 males, leading to a sex ratio of approximately 94 males for every 100 females. The median age of residents is around 38.55 years, younger than the national median age of 41.1 years, indicating a relatively youthful population in this region. Kings County stands out as the most populous within the area code, housing 2,679,620 individuals. Following Kings County are Queens County with a population of 2,360,826 and New York County with 1,645,867 residents. A total of six counties fall under the 917 area code, contributing to its diverse community. Over the years, the population has steadily increased, rising from 9,537,933 in 2012 to the current number. This growth may be influenced by local economic opportunities and migration trends. Overall, the demographic makeup of the area suggests a vibrant and varied community, reflecting the dynamic nature of urban life in the 917 area code.
Labor force participation in the 917 area code remained stable, averaging around 63% from 2012 to 2022, which is higher than the national average of 58.5% in 2022. The employment to population ratio improved from 57.2% in 2012 to a high of 59.4% in 2019, before experiencing minor declines afterward. The unemployment rate dropped significantly, reaching a low of 5.92% in 2019, compared to the national unemployment rate of 5.19% in 2022. Despite this, the unemployment rate in the 917 area rose slightly in the following years, remaining above 7% by 2022.
New York (NY)
New York-Newark-Jersey City
New York
New York, NY
Did not leave a message
He knew my full name and phone number, he told me I bought a ticket from LAX to SHANGHAI. Ask me if it was really me did the purchase.
I think this man too good to be true from dating site. Pics of a good looking bald guy. Sends beautiful texts, songs, Skype, calls. Skyped looked like same guy & same voice on calls. Skype looked off. Sweet voice, has NY accent. Great to chat with on all subjects. Falling in love a little too fast/love bombing. Is he really that bad? Is he really setting me up for big money? He's fake? Help!!!
They are Posing as Jay from Standard Staffing offering jobs that are not real. Please locate this guy they are asking for money from a lot of people.
Didn’t answer
Caller called and hanged up after picking up the call. No one on the other side said anything.
Medicare scam
Wow. I had similar experience just now. Thought this guy for real. Really took time over months to build connection. Asked for big money!! Same story. Please report & detail your story & save someone else!!
David. Met on dating site. Scammer. Wants money with elaborate story. Anyone else have this experience?
Above informations
Registered transaction click link to confirm or reject transaction FRAUD Transactions https//ene.ba/r/sMYGjh8Dybm And https//ene.ba/r/zOjLxsNliAq
They were just breathing on the phone