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About 931 Area Code:
This part of the world is known as Middle Tennessee. This is a region blessed with cultural history, including the fact that Elvis Presley recorded 200 songs here. But one little-known fact is that “Jingle Bell Rock,” “The Bunny Hop,” and “Hokey Pokey” were all recorded in Nashville, Tennessee. Middle Tennessee is one of the three Grand Divisions of Tennessee, encompassing roughly the central portion of the state and defined by state law as consisting of 41 of its 95 counties.
This region includes Nashville, the state capital and largest city, as well as Clarksville, the fifth largest city, and Murfreesboro, the sixth largest city and Nashville's largest suburb. The Nashville metropolitan area, located entirely within Middle Tennessee, is the state's most populous, while the Clarksville metropolitan area ranks as the sixth most populous. Middle Tennessee is both the largest in land area and the most populous of Tennessee's three Grand Divisions. Middle Tennessee's economy is fueled by a diverse range of sectors, including music and entertainment, automotive manufacturing, healthcare, and technology. The region's economic growth is among the fastest in the United States.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
6:50:14 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-5 |
(931) 572-6732
Total searches: 976
(931) 644-1195
Total searches: 942
(931) 236-5527
Total searches: 843
(931) 310-6773
Total searches: 644
(931) 240-2491
Total searches: 516
(931) 371-3092
Total searches: 499
(931) 447-2196
Total searches: 498
(931) 322-4962
Total searches: 457
(931) 256-4565
Total searches: 455
(931) 286-3074
Total searches: 442
(931) 683-2866
Total searches: 429
(931) 284-4357
Total searches: 428
(931) 709-4772
Total searches: 425
(931) 452-0971
Total searches: 415
(931) 295-0262
Total searches: 411
ZIP Codes:
136 zip codes Found Check all codes
In area code 931, the number of FCC complaints has changed over the years, depending on how people contacted the agency. Wireless/mobile complaints peaked in 2017 with 156 reports, while wired complaints were highest in 2015 with 74 reports. Since then, wireless complaints have fluctuated, and VOIP complaints have increased significantly in recent years. This indicates that more people may be using VOIP to report their issues.
Residents in the 931 area code have experienced notable changes in complaints about unwanted calls over the years. Starting with a small number of telemarketing complaints in 2014, there was a significant spike to 110 in 2015, but these complaints ceased completely after that year. Robocall complaints peaked at 57 in 2016, but also dropped to zero after 2017. The highest number of unwanted call complaints was in 2018, with 243 reported, indicating that people in the area have been vigilant in reporting these annoying issues.
In the 931 area code, complaints to the FCC have fluctuated over the years, reflecting different types of calls. Prerecorded voice complaints peaked in 2018, while live voice complaints have varied but remained relatively steady. Recently, there have been no reports of abandoned calls, indicating better call management in the area. Additionally, text message complaints have shown some changes, contributing to the overall trends in communication concerns within 931.
The 931 area code shows a predominant population of White residents, making up about 85.5% of the demographic. Black or African American individuals represent around 10.4% of the population, while Asians account for approximately 2.1%. A small portion, about 0.1%, identifies as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and around 1.9% classify themselves as Some Other Race. Overall, the racial composition reflects a predominantly White community with minority groups present.
The household income for the 931 area code has shown an overall increase from 2012 to 2022. Starting at around $37,776 in 2012, the median income climbed to approximately $56,540 by 2022. Throughout this period, the national median income consistently remained higher than that of the 931 area code, which began at $47,301 in 2012 and reached $66,930 in 2022. Despite progress, the gap between the area code's income and the national average has not significantly narrowed over the years.
Area code 931 supports a total population of 2,142,597, with 1,060,097 males and 1,082,500 females. This results in a sex ratio of about 99.5 males for every 100 females, which is lower than the national average of 101.6. The median age in this area is approximately 42.3 years, just slightly above the national median of 41.1 years, indicating a mature population. The most populated county in the area is Hamilton County, home to 367,193 residents, followed by Rutherford County with a population of 343,727 and Williamson County at 248,897. A total of 35 unique counties fall within the area code, showcasing a diverse community spread across multiple regions. The population has exhibited steady growth, increasing from 1,847,691 in 2012 to the current figures over the years. This upward trend reflects not just the influx of new residents but also a broad demographic mix. Gender distribution appears balanced, contributing to a stable and evolving community landscape within area code 931.
Labor force participation rate in area code 931 showed a decrease from 57.5% in 2012 to 56.2% in 2022. However, the employment to population ratio improved from 51.2% to 53.2% during the same years. The unemployment rate experienced a decline from 10.43% in 2012 to 4.98% by 2022, highlighting progress in job opportunities. Despite these positive changes, local figures tend to fall below national averages, indicating specific employment conditions in the region.
Tennessee (TN)
Montgomery, Cheatham
Clarksville TN-Hopkinsville, KY
Wanted to buy my house for a cash offer sounded like a Russian accent
Wanted to buy property
Pretends you have toll violations
Pretends you have toll violations
***g up
Call at different numbers all day long
Needing money to talk to an inmate
Did not answer the call
Here is the text .... .GRN Grants are available for Grerchen! Get the housing****istance your family needs here: https://gnt3.io/y6t2pq8j.
Health insurance advisor,
I should stop calling their man
Met on ***ble. Tried to scam me by trying to g to get me to pay for a baby sitter while we go on a date
Inmate needing to talk to you.