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About 947 Area Code:
Understanding and using communication tools like reverse phone lookup for the 947 area code are essential not only for personal convenience but also for safeguarding against potential threats.
The 947 area code, covering notable Michigan regions such as Troy and Southfield, is more than just a string of digits; it plays a pivotal role in local commerce and daily communication. Recognizing the demographics and historical context helps both residents and businesses navigate this area effectively.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
7:29:56 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
(947) 666-8604
Total searches: 1149
(947) 941-5262
Total searches: 49
(947) 522-0229
Total searches: 39
(947) 888-0418
Total searches: 27
(947) 941-2225
Total searches: 23
(947) 777-0011
Total searches: 22
(947) 517-6356
Total searches: 20
In the 947 area code, FCC complaints have varied across different communication methods from 2014 to 2024. In the earlier years, most complaints came from wired sources. However, wireless/mobile complaints jumped significantly, especially in 2016. Recently, there has been a decline in both wireless and wired complaints, while VOIP complaints have stayed fairly steady over the years.
Complaints about unwanted calls in the 947 area code have changed from year to year. There were few complaints in 2014 and 2015, but numbers spiked in 2016, especially for telemarketing and robocalls. The highest number of unwanted calls reported was in 2017, with 41 complaints. Since then, while unwanted calls have continued to be an issue, the number of complaints has declined slightly by 2023, and there have been no complaints regarding telemarketing or robocalls in recent years.
In 947, complaints reported to the FCC have varied across different types of calls over the years. Prerecorded voice call complaints rose notably beginning in 2016, with fluctuations seen in subsequent years. The number of complaints about live voice calls peaked in 2017 but has generally trended downward since then. Complaints regarding abandoned calls experienced notable spikes in both 2016 and 2020, while text message complaints have remained relatively low, with a slight increase observed in recent years.
The 947 area code has a majority population of White residents, making up about 70.68%. Black or African American individuals represent approximately 22.47% of the population. Asian residents account for about 5.13%, while Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander individuals are a very small portion at around 0.03%. Some Other Race is represented by roughly 1.69% of the population in this area.
The area covered by the 947 area code houses a total population of 5,040,988. Females slightly outnumber males, with 2,565,017 females compared to 2,475,971 males, resulting in a sex ratio of approximately 99.36 males per 100 females. This is lower than the national sex ratio of 101.6. The median age in this area is 40.65 years, which is just under the national median age of 41.1 years. Wayne County leads with the largest population at 1,781,641, followed by Oakland County at 1,272,264 and Macomb County, which has 878,453 residents. A total of eight unique counties are included within the boundaries of the 947 area code. Population growth has been observed over the years, with a significant rise from 4,981,941 in 2020 to 5,051,246 in 2021. The demographic trends show stability within the area, with minor fluctuations typical of urban environments. This demographic information provides insight into the community dynamics within the 947 area code.
Area code 947 experienced a slight decline in labor force participation rate, decreasing from 62.8% in 2012 to 61.4% by 2022. Over the same period, the employment to population ratio improved, rising from 54.8% to 57.8%, suggesting a stronger job market. A notable drop in the unemployment rate occurred, falling from 12.89% in 2012 to 5.84% in 2022, highlighting enhanced employment opportunities. Comparing these figures to national averages, area code 947 generally expressed better labor statistics, particularly in unemployment rates.
Michigan (MI)
Detroit, MI
***** threats
Showed "MCM" while ringing; no message left.
Texted my son, with our own address demanding money or they will **** us all.
Received text. Was****ociated with cartel.
did not want to disclose who they were calling on behalf. But proceeded to ask to review our consumers energy bill
He calls demanding ca*** and ***** threats!! he's crazy!! they are disgusting illegals!
Number is sending ***** threats demanding cash.
Says he’s a cartel member of Jalisco drug cartel
Number is sending ***** threats and calling with a heavy Latin accent. Demanding cash
Called for a food delivery but paid with a fake $100 dollar bill.
Calling to collect on a debt. This company purchases old debt and call constantly from other numbers too, to get money owed.
“A personal business matter”
Debt collection agency. I was not the individual they were trying to reach.
A state eye of a account but the count doesn't exist and I do not owe debt. Wanted personal information.
Threatens with force of mafia