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About 949 Area Code:
Located in economically vibrant Southern Orange County, this area code includes cities like Irvine and Newport Beach, and plays a critical role in regional commerce and innovation. Irvine has a total population of approximately 1.2 million people. The median household income is $131,014, while the median family income is $154,194. Major industries include technology, education, and healthcare. The city’s unemployment rate stands at 5%.
Located roughly 40 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles, Newport Beach is famous for its sandy shores. Once a hub for maritime industries, its harbor now primarily serves recreational purposes. Balboa Island attracts visitors with its scenic waterfront path and convenient ferry access to local shops and restaurants. It has one of the fastest-growing property markets in California. A typical Newport Beach sold for $3,383,341 in August 2024.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
4:44:43 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-7 |
(949) 732-1554
Total searches: 1986
(949) 209-5259
Total searches: 1790
(949) 940-8833
Total searches: 1082
(949) 284-1939
Total searches: 985
(949) 266-5047
Total searches: 780
(949) 806-5278
Total searches: 749
(949) 272-9686
Total searches: 669
(949) 546-6391
Total searches: 541
(949) 216-7831
Total searches: 539
(949) 734-7046
Total searches: 503
(949) 316-0828
Total searches: 497
(949) 227-3589
Total searches: 493
(949) 329-5790
Total searches: 476
(949) 281-0353
Total searches: 469
(949) 464-5479
Total searches: 432
ZIP Codes:
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In area code 949, FCC complaints have changed over the years based on how people contacted them. Complaints about wireless and mobile services reached their highest point in 2017. Since then, the number of wired complaints has generally declined. There was a notable increase in VOIP complaints in 2020, but these have also decreased in recent years. This shows that customer concerns in this area vary from year to year.
Complaints about unwanted calls, telemarketing, and robocalls in the 949 area code have changed significantly over the years. In 2014, there were only a few reports, but by 2015, the number of telemarketing complaints surged dramatically. Telemarketing issues ceased altogether after 2017, while unwanted call complaints have shown fluctuations, with a count of 345 in 2023. Overall, unwanted calls have remained the most reported issue in the area.
Complaints in the 949 area code about various types of calls have shown noticeable changes over time. From 2014 to 2017, there was a sharp rise in complaints about prerecorded voice calls, which peaked at 332 in 2017 before gradually decreasing. Live voice complaints fluctuated, with a high of 296 in 2015, and dropped to 108 by 2023. Text message complaints saw a significant increase in 2020, reaching a high of 246 but have since stabilized at lower figures.
The 949 area code shows a majority of its population identified as White, making up about 63% of residents. Black or African American individuals represent around 4% of the population. A significant portion, nearly 20%, is made up of Asian individuals, while Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander populations are very small, approximately 0.4%. Additionally, about 13% of residents identify as Some Other Race, indicating a diverse community.
The 949 area code has consistently shown a higher median household income compared to the national median. Starting from around $88,830 in 2012, the income in this area has steadily increased, reaching approximately $123,490 by 2022. The difference between the 949 area and the national average grew significantly over the years, with the national median rising from $47,301 in 2012 to $66,930 in 2022. This indicates a continuous growth in economic well-being for residents in the 949 area code throughout the past decade.
Population in the 949 area code is recorded at 6,464,928, exhibiting nearly equal gender distribution. There are 3,245,864 males and 3,219,064 females, leading to a sex ratio of 100.8 males for every 100 females. The median age in this area is 37.7 years, which is younger compared to the national median age of 41.1 years. Key counties contributing to this population include San Diego County, with a population of 3,289,701, and Orange County, which has 3,175,227 residents. These counties are known for their mix of urban and suburban settings, creating an appealing environment for families and young professionals alike. Since 2012, there has been consistent population growth, increasing from 6,122,340 to the current figure. This steady rise highlights a community that is relatively stable and diverse. The demographic trends show a wide age range, suggesting various opportunities for different age groups within the area. Overall, the 949 area code represents a vibrant and growing community that continues to attract new residents.
Labor force participation rates in the 949 area code have remained between 65.5% and 66.3% from 2012 to 2022. The employment to population ratio saw an uptick, reaching a high of 61.0% in 2019 before tapering to 60.5% in 2022. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate has shown a notable decline, decreasing from 9.3% in 2012 to 5.85% by 2022. These figures for the area code consistently surpass the national averages for labor force participation and employment ratios throughout the same period.
California (CA)
San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad
San Diego
San Diego, CA
DO NOT SEND ANY INFO -SCAM person SHOULD BE sent to the firing squad ***** sentence
Trying to scam me out of money
I got a text message wanting roadtoll money. Scam
its a **** BS scam!! ignore and block
Offered to make a website
I noticed that "Blank' needed a new website. So I decided to make you one for FREE. Reply yes f you want to see it. Reply stop to be removed
Calling about student loans
I noticed that (My Business) needed a new website. So I decided to make you one for FREE. Reply Yes if you want to see it. Reply Stop to be removed
Said they noticed I was looking for a job online and wanted to****ist me to find one. They asked what year I graduated from high school which would give them my age. I ***g up when they s****ed with that line of questioning.
I noticed that Amplify Photography needed a new website. So I decided to make you one for FREE. Reply Yes if you want to see it. Reply Stop to be removed
Claims to have met me before Knew my full name and claims shes a nurse
Asked me was i some else, after I said no, just s****ed with random text messages.
Text message:*****o, do you have time now?
claims I won a prize of his for a give away
Asked for a donation