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About 956 Area Code:
Knowledge is power. By recognizing the historical, geographical, and demographic nuances of the 956 area code, you can better navigate the complexities of telecommunication within this region. Using reverse phone lookup tools not only helps you identify who is calling but also arms you with the information necessary to avoid potential fraud and scams. Given the demographic spread and economic dynamics of the 956 area code, these practices are vital for maintaining both your peace of mind and your security.
The 956 area code predominantly spans the Lower and Middle Rio Grande Valley, covering key cities like Laredo, Brownsville, and McAllen. A great deal of economic activity derives from Laredo’s position as the largest inland port in the United States and trade with its Mexican counterpart, Nuevo Laredo. Meanwhile, Brownsville relies heavily on the service and manufacturing industries, together with government and the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. For its part, McAllen, once a rural area with an agriculture-based economy and uneven growth, is evolving into a significant international trade hub.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
7:22:52 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-5 |
(956) 587-5066
Total searches: 2895
(956) 303-9773
Total searches: 1750
(956) 306-2880
Total searches: 1505
(956) 307-3223
Total searches: 1461
(956) 948-9085
Total searches: 1328
(956) 299-2412
Total searches: 950
(956) 275-2183
Total searches: 833
(956) 202-9000
Total searches: 802
(956) 253-8735
Total searches: 780
(956) 255-3108
Total searches: 774
(956) 305-8375
Total searches: 745
(956) 253-8993
Total searches: 731
(956) 508-9554
Total searches: 727
(956) 230-7246
Total searches: 694
(956) 253-1796
Total searches: 676
ZIP Codes:
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In the 956 area code, FCC complaints have changed significantly from 2014 to 2024. Wireless/mobile complaints reached their highest point in 2018. In contrast, wired complaints have consistently been lower. Over the past few years, both wireless and wired complaints have seen a decline. Meanwhile, VOIP complaints have varied but are expected to increase slightly by 2024.
The 956 area code has seen changes in complaints about unwanted calls over the years. Complaints surged from 2015 to 2018, reaching a high of 198 in 2018. Since then, there has been a gradual decline in the number of complaints, with 81 reported in 2023. Notably, telemarketing and robocall issues have been less frequent in the more recent years, suggesting a decrease in these types of calls affecting residents.
Complaints made to the FCC in the 956 area code have shown fluctuations over the years, particularly among different types of calls. Initially low in 2014, complaints surged in 2015, especially for prerecorded voice calls. Text message complaints reached their highest point in 2022, while both prerecorded and live voice complaints have been declining leading up to 2024. Overall, the trends highlight changing concerns among residents in the area.
The 956 area code shows a population that is primarily White, making up about 61.4% of those living there. Black or African American individuals account for approximately 17.8% of the population. Asian residents represent around 6.8%, while those identifying as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander are a very small fraction at just 0.1%. Additionally, about 14% of the population falls into the "Some Other Race" category.
The 956 area code shows a gradual increase in median household income from 2012 to 2022. Starting at $29,506.50 in 2012, the income rose to $45,738.00 by 2022. Throughout this period, the median income consistently remained below the national average, which increased from $47,301 to $66,930. Despite the improvements in local income, there is still a noticeable gap compared to the national figures.
The area covered by the 956 area code has a total population of 6,452,687 people, showcasing a nearly balanced gender distribution with 3,214,245 males and 3,238,442 females. This results in a sex ratio of about 110 males for every 100 females. The median age in this area is approximately 34 years old, which is notably younger than the national median age of 41.1 years, indicating a vibrant and youthful community. Harris County is the largest county within the 956 area code, home to 4,726,177 residents. It is followed by Hidalgo County with a population of 873,167, and Cameron County, which has 421,854 people. In total, there are 11 unique counties that exist within this area code, adding to its demographic diversity. Population growth has been consistent in this region, climbing from 5,695,225 in 2012 to its current figure over the years. This increase highlights the ongoing development and changes occurring in the communities encompassed by the 956 area code. Overall, these statistics paint a picture of a dynamic area that continues to evolve and attract new residents.
Area code 956 has experienced variations in labor force participation rates from 2012 to 2022, beginning at 54.8% in 2012 and reaching a high of 57.3% in 2021 before falling to 56.0% in 2022. The employment to population ratio shows similar growth, with the peak at 53.6% in 2021, suggesting improvements in job access. The unemployment rate has steadily decreased from 8.22% in 2012 to 6.51% in 2021, highlighting a tightening job market. Comparatively, 956 has lower labor force participation and employment ratios than national averages, along with a consistently higher unemployment rate during the same period.
Texas (TX)
McAllen, TX
They didn’t talk at all during the phone call
He messaged me from a Craigslist ad about babysitting asking me for pictures. He’s a ****phile and needs to be reported!
No one answered
Not Available
appt reminder
this dude is a ******, he preys on young girls and has tried to contact me many times.
Who is she?
We're going to Long Beach this evening; care to come along?
Creepy wanted pics for some reason asked for my name I’m under aged
said my number was in there phone
They are wanting a event planning service.
Called me 13 times, blocked by my phone
This person contacted me off a list I posted on Craigslist and was a complete ****** asking me what my name was, what I looked like etc. be careful
Insulting my fiancé and our 7 yr old daughter
This the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office can I speak to … that they were gonna come and serve me at my house.