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About 972 Area Code:
The 972 area code includes Dallas and its eastern suburbs such as Arlington, Plano, and Irving, forming part of the extensive Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.
This region, known for its economic diversity, hosts numerous public companies and spans significant business industries including telecom, manufacturing, oil and gas, high-tech, and finance.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
6:25:12 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-5 |
(972) 497-1400
Total searches: 4169
(972) 280-7286
Total searches: 3042
(972) 766-5468
Total searches: 1749
(972) 372-1723
Total searches: 1381
(972) 848-2896
Total searches: 1234
(972) 942-0711
Total searches: 1158
(972) 962-1600
Total searches: 1076
(972) 694-8841
Total searches: 933
(972) 798-0395
Total searches: 916
(972) 457-9628
Total searches: 833
(972) 325-7849
Total searches: 832
(972) 746-2786
Total searches: 787
(972) 629-6898
Total searches: 652
(972) 483-5870
Total searches: 651
(972) 521-4333
Total searches: 562
ZIP Codes:
65 zip codes Found Check all codes
In area code 972, complaints to the FCC have changed over the years from 2014 to 2024. Wireless and mobile complaints reached their highest point in 2017 but have been decreasing since then. Wired complaints have been mostly steady, with a small drop in recent years. VOIP complaints have also gone up and down, with a noticeable decline expected by 2024 for all methods of contact.
In the 972 area code, there have been notable trends in complaints about unwanted calls, telemarketing, and robocalls over the years. Telemarketing complaints reached their highest point in 2015, with almost 500 reports, while unwanted calls peaked in 2018. Complaints about robocalls were significant in 2014 but have not appeared since then. By 2023, the number of unwanted calls had decreased to 307, suggesting a potential reduction in the problems related to unwanted communications.
Complaints in the 972 area code have shown some interesting trends over the years. Reports of prerecorded voice calls rose significantly from 2014 to 2018, reaching a peak of 408 in 2018. Complaints about live voice calls have fluctuated, with a notable high of 307 in 2015 and another increase to 250 in 2022. Meanwhile, abandoned call complaints remained rare, with no reports in 2022 or 2023, while text message complaints have also stayed low. Overall, the area has seen a decrease in both types of voice call complaints recently.
The 972 area code shows a diverse racial demographic. The majority of the population, about 64.5%, identifies as White, followed by 18.4% as Black or African American. Asian individuals make up around 8.6%, while those identifying as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander are minimal at 0.1%. Additionally, approximately 8.4% of the population consists of individuals identifying as Some Other Race.
Population within the 972 area code has seen a substantial increase over time, now totaling 7,724,598 residents. Gender distribution shows a slight female majority, with 3,894,262 females compared to 3,830,336 males. This results in a sex ratio of about 98.76 males for every 100 females, which differs from the national average of 101.6. The median age in this area is around 37 years, making it younger than the national median age of 41.1 years. This age profile suggests a community that may have a higher proportion of younger individuals and families. Dallas County leads the way in population size, housing 2,604,053 residents, followed by Tarrant County with 2,113,854 and Collin County, which has 1,079,153 inhabitants. A total of 12 counties are encompassed within the 972 area code, creating a diverse demographic landscape. This growth continues to indicate a region experiencing opportunities and expansion, appealing to new residents and families.
Area code 972 experienced a consistent decrease in the unemployment rate from 2012 to 2022, starting at 8.13% and falling to 4.58%. The labor force participation rate remained above the national average, reaching a peak of 65.6% in 2022, showcasing the area's robust engagement in the workforce. The employment to population ratio improved as well, increasing from 61.1% to 62.6%, reflecting a strengthening job market locally. Overall, area code 972 has demonstrated a more favorable workforce environment compared to national trends during this period.
Texas (TX)
Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington
Dallas, Tarrant
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
Expedite your check-in
Inmate from jail in Dallas Texas is asking for this to be added as someone they can call. Automated message press one for yes two for no.
Wasn't specific on why they were calling, just stating that it was urgent that I call them back today.
said he was "mark from social services"
Called about wanting a good time? Stop calling me.
They were calling from Enterprise Consultants
Left a sticky note on my car.
Asking me to press 1 to accept the call and be added to the inmate list..
Press 1 if this is your phone number. They have called multiple times. Calls are blocked, but they still want to call. Phone numver they arew calling is registered with DO NO CALL Directory.
Wanting personal imformation.
One time security code
An offender whose name you can’t hear wants to put a call through to you. Hit one for yes and two for no. Calling every couple hours now. Blocked.
Serious car buyer
To fill out forms