Learn more about this area code and exchange and where the caller may be located.
The phone exchange is the three digits after the area code and before the extension. An example is (972) 493-XXXX where 493 is the exchange number. It enables telephone line extensions to be interconnected in a local area based on a specific geographic assignment.
The (972) 493 exchange is located within the 972 area code in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX. It connects landline numbers from the Emergency Networks carrier in Ellis county. Associated zip codes include 76670.
Potentially, callers could keep their phone numbers even if they move away, so a caller may be located in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX or elsewhere. You can use a reverse phone lookup to help find the registered address for a potential caller.
(972) 493-9292
Was looking for an****istant
(972) 493-9292
He was on a dating site and this is the number he called from
(972) 493-9292
(972) 493-8225
A spammer who calls in the middle of the night!
(972) 493-0033
Nuisance texts received
(972) 493-0033
Random text received that just says “hi”.
(972) 493-0283
Chris sent a text telling me to text Jackson to receive a 20k donation.
(972) 493-8026
creep looking buy foot picks
(972) 493-9479
This number is a scammer that tries to send you fake cashier's checks.
(972) 493-6636
Received disturbing text messages trying to get me away from my children's ***her to find someone to move on called me idiot ****** fool and the B word. Saying he doesn't want me he's never wanted me I'm a broke b I mean it's just crazy they acted like they know me going on and on so I was with him long they were too, they wouldn't identify themselves when I called the number they didn't answer just very disturbing. They really want me out of his life, they want move to on why don't I find someone that I can't because I can't communicate and I'm just dumb they act like they know me but they really don't I don't know I'm not looking for anyone I am content with raising my children but he asked me to come over he comes to see me they make it seem like I'm chasing him.
(972) 493-4749
Harassing calls and texts. **** photos sent. Stalker type activity.
(972) 493-8815
This person is supposedly in Miami and is a doctor - but the phone number came back as a landline from Texas?!?!
(972) 493-9935
I just hope this person says who says she is.
(972) 493-9935
I just hope this person is the one who says she is.
(972) 493-8547
fake phone app, harassing messages