Fraudulent communications are on the rise, with scammers increasingly posing as reputable businesses through texts, emails, and phone calls. According to recent alerts issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), there has been a substantial increase in consumer complaints regarding such fraudulent activities. Scammers have become more sophisticated, often spoofing numbers to disguise their true identity and thus making their messages appear to come from familiar or trusted sources.

One particularly alarming trend is the rise in robotext scams, which are now threatening to surpass robocalls as a favored tool among con artists. Spoofed texts can appear to come from local numbers, government agencies like the IRS, or companies you’re familiar with, creating a false sense of security. Many of these scam messages are designed to steal valuable personal or financial information, with tactics that have become increasingly varied and cunning.

Data underscores this growing threat: in recent years, both robocall and robotext blocking services have reported significant upticks in suspicious activity. Consumers filing complaints with the FCC have highlighted numerous deceptive techniques, including phishing schemes where scammers impersonate banks to trick individuals into disclosing their login credentials. The repercussions can be severe, with victims often facing the risk of identity theft and financial loss.

Recognizing scam calls

Red flags and pitfalls to avoid

Scam calls often exhibit certain traits that make them identifiable and preventable:

Automated or pre-recorded messages: A common indicator of a scam call is the use of automated or pre-recorded messages. These messages may quickly inform you that you’ve won a prize or that there’s urgent action needed on your account. The impersonal nature of these messages helps scammers reach a large number of potential victims efficiently. For instance, an automated call might state, “You have won a $1,000 gift card. Press 1 to claim your prize.”

Promises of discounts: One prevalent scam involves offering fake discounts. The scammer, posing as a representative from a service provider, might tell you that your bill can be halved. They claim all you need to do is pay a “small” upfront fee. For instance, you might receive a call stating, “Pay an $80 processing fee now, and we’ll reduce your monthly Spectrum bill by half for the next year.”

Pre-payment and suspicious fees: When offers are contingent on pre-payment or involve dubious fees, it’s a significant red flag. Scammers may call and request that you pay a fee upfront before receiving a discount or service upgrade. This type of demand not only pressures the victim but also aims to collect payments quickly before doubt sets in. Examples include requests for prepayment under the guise of an activation fee for a special promotion.

Posing as legitimate providers: Scammers often impersonate legitimate service providers, making their deception more believable. They may provide what seems like valid account information, leading you to trust that you’re speaking with your actual service provider. This tactic often includes fake caller ID information that appears to be from a legitimate company. An example involves receiving a call supposedly from Spectrum’s customer service offering an exclusive deal but asking for your personal information under the guise of verification.

Scammers use these tactics because they play on psychological triggers. The urgency created by pre-recorded messages, the excitement over potential savings, and the manipulation of victims into rapid decision-making all work towards the scammer’s two main goals—obtaining money and gathering personal information. By understanding these characteristics and the psychology behind them, individuals can better protect themselves against falling for these scams.

Responding to scam calls

Immediate actions

Taking the right steps during and immediately after receiving a scam call is crucial:

Do not engage: The moment you suspect a call might be a scam, refrain from responding to any questions or prompts. Scammers use engagement to validate your number as active, making it more likely you’ll be targeted again. For instance, answering a simple “Can you hear me?” with “yes” may give scammers a recording they can exploit for further fraud.

Protect personal information: Under no circumstances should you share personal, account, or payment information over the phone. Scammers frequently impersonate entities such as banks or government agencies to trick you into revealing sensitive details like your Social Security number or credit card details. Remember, legitimate organizations will never ask for such information over an unsolicited call.

Disconnect promptly: If the caller asks for personal details or presents a suspicious scenario, hang up immediately. Staying on the line increases your risk of being manipulated into providing valuable personal information. For example, if a caller claims your bank account has unauthorized charges and needs login credentials to secure it, disconnect right away and separately contact your bank to verify any issues.

After suspected scam contact

If you suspect a scam call has compromised your information:

  • Contact your service provider: Alert your service provider immediately if you think your information may have been compromised. They can help secure your account and monitor for any suspicious activity. This step is vital in mitigating any potential damage quickly.
  • Report the scam: It’s important to report the incident to relevant authorities, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Reporting spam calls helps organizations track and combat fraudulent activities more effectively. Additionally, you can use available platforms to share details of the scam, which can aid others in avoiding similar pitfalls.

By promptly disconnecting and safeguarding your information during a scam call, and taking swift, decisive action if you suspect fraud, you can enhance your protection against the pervasive threat of phone scams.

Preventative measures

Enhanced privacy practices

To try and protect yourself from unwanted calls and maintain your privacy, it’s essential to implement effective blocking techniques and use available tools:

Blocking techniques: Many phone service providers and smartphone apps offer tools to block unwanted calls and prevent robocalls. These tools can help identify and filter out calls from known scam numbers or suspicious sources. By setting up these blocks, you may significantly reduce the number of nuisance calls and lower the chances of falling victim to a scam.

Call/text blocking features: Most modern phones come equipped with features to block calls and texts from unknown or suspicious numbers. Enabling these features helps you avoid unwanted solicitations. When you decide not to answer calls from unidentified numbers, you prevent scammers from engaging with you and collecting information.

Do Not Call list: Registering your phone number on the National Do Not Call Registry is another effective way to reduce telemarketing calls. By adding your number to this list, legitimate telemarketers are legally prohibited from calling you. Although the registry won’t stop all unwanted calls, it can reduce the volume significantly, making it easier to spot potential scams among the fewer calls you receive.

Monitoring communication channels

Staying alert across all forms of communication is crucial in identifying and preventing scams:

Awareness: Scam attempts are not limited to phone calls. Scammers frequently use text messages and emails to deceive victims. Always be skeptical of unsolicited messages, especially those requesting personal information or urging immediate action.

For instance, a message that appears to be from a known entity, but contains unusual requests or links, may be a phishing attempt. Look for telltale signs such as misspellings, suspicious links, or strange email addresses. By being cautious, you can better recognize these fraudulent attempts and avoid interacting with them.

Understanding that scams can occur through various channels helps you maintain a broad defensive posture, ensuring that you are less likely to be caught off guard by deceptive practices. By incorporating these preventative measures and remaining vigilant, you enhance your ability to help protect your personal information and stay one step ahead of scammers.

Dealing with illegal Robocalls: Industry response and protection tools

Understanding how the industry tackles illegal robocalls and scam calls can help you:

Service providers’ efforts: Combating illegal robocalls has become a top priority for service providers. According to private analyses, U.S. consumers receive around 4 billion robocalls per month. To address this, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has implemented policies and unprecedented enforcement actions against those flouting consumer protection laws.

Service providers are required to adhere to Caller ID authentication standards like STIR/SHAKEN, which help verify the authenticity of calls. This technology makes it much harder for scammers to “spoof” caller ID information and disguise their true identity. The FCC has also initiated actions to classify entities facilitating robocall campaigns as Consumer Communications Information Services Threats (C-CIST), allowing heightened vigilance and action against these bad actors.

Reporting and blocking: Service providers offer various tools for consumers to report and block robocalls. Many companies now provide robocall blocking apps that can help identify and prevent scam calls from reaching your phone. Reporting methods allow consumers to flag suspicious numbers, contributing to broader efforts to detect and shut down robocall campaigns. The FCC has also strengthened requirements for gateway providers to combat illegal robocall traffic from international networks, and launched a Robocall Response Team to coordinate efforts across different agencies, including the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice.

Industry-wide efforts to tackle robocalls have been bolstered by the threat of significant fines and removal from the Robocall Mitigation Database for non-compliant providers. The FCC’s aggressive enforcement actions, such as ordering numerous voice service providers to cease illegal robocall activities, have already led to major penalties and injunctions against bad actors. Additionally, the rise of rules concerning AI-generated voice calls further empowers state attorneys general to take action against violators.

Additional resources and reporting

It’s essential to leverage available resources when encountering fraudulent activities. Addressing these issues collectively can help create a safer digital environment for everyone.

Internet abuse reporting: Reporting internet abuse is a crucial step in preventing broader security issues. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) serves as the nation’s central hub for such reports. The IC3 has received over 3.26 million complaints from 2018 to 2022, with reported losses amounting to $27.6 billion. By filing a complaint on their website, you contribute valuable information that helps authorities track, investigate, and combat cybercriminal activities, while also aiding in potential recovery of stolen funds.

Consumer protection agency: For issues related to fraud, scams, and bad business practices, the Federal Trade Commission’s reporting website,, is another invaluable resource. Although the FTC doesn’t resolve individual cases, your reports are entered into Consumer Sentinel, a secure online database used by civil and criminal law enforcement authorities worldwide. This collective data helps detect patterns of wrongdoing and leads to major investigations and prosecutions.

Educate yourself and your community: Another vital resource is staying informed about current threats and scams. Knowledge is a key preventive measure. Regularly check resources like IC3 and the FTC for updates and educational materials. These platforms often provide insights into recent trends and common threats to watch out for, helping to ensure that you and your community are well-prepared to handle and report suspicious activities.

By reporting scams and internet abuse through these channels, you play an active role in the defense against cybercrime. Your contributions help bolster the efforts of law enforcement to respond more rapidly, protect our cyber networks, and ultimately, make the digital world safer for everyone.

In the unfortunate event you suspect your information has been compromised, swift action is vital. Contacting your service provider and reporting the scam to authorities can help mitigate potential damage. Adopting preventative measures such as blocking unwanted calls, utilizing call/text blocking features, and registering your number on the Do Not Call List further fortifies your defense against scams.

By incorporating these strategies and utilizing available resources, you have the power to help protect yourself from fraud. Stay vigilant, keep informed, and take proactive measures to safeguard against these deceptive practices.


Disclaimer: The above is solely intended for informational purposes and in no way constitutes legal advice or specific recommendations.